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[Bausch & Lomb] Bio True Multi-focal 1-day lens (30P)

68,000 KRW (US$ 49.99)

54,400 KRW (US$ 39.99)

Please include your prescription (power) in the order notes when making a purchase.
If your prescription differs for each eye, you will need to purchase two separate items.
For lens products, an additional domestic shipping fee of 3,000 KRW will be charged for purchases under 50,000 KRW.

  • Proven 3-Zone Progressive™ Design.


    3-Zone Progressive™ Design delivers outstanding near, intermediate, and distance vision

    • Areas of consistent power in each zone
    • Seamless transitions between key distances
    • Clear binocular vision at all distances

    If you find yourself holding books, magazines, and menus farther and farther away in order to focus properly, or if close work, like reading or handwriting, gives you headaches or eyestrain, you may be showing early signs of presbyopia.

    Biotrue® ONEday for Presbyopia changes everything — helping you to see clearly and comfortably with your contacts, up close, far away and everywhere in between with the convenience of a daily disposable modality.

    This revolutionary new daily disposable multifocal lens has a 3-Zone Progressive™ Design for clear vision up close, far away, and everywhere in between. Plus, this breakthrough lens material works like the eye’s own healthy tears to retain the same moisture level as the natural eye — for comfort throughout the day.

    MATERIAL : nesofilcon A


    OXYGEN TRANSMISSIBILITY (Dk/t) : 42 @ -3.00D

    MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY : Patented Dehydration Barrier

    OPTIC DESIGN TECHNOLOGY : 3-Zone Progressive™ Design

    BASE CURVE : 8.6 mm

    DIAMETER : 14.2 mm

    CENTER THICKNESS : 0.10 mm @ -3.00D

    POWERS : +6.00D to -9.00D in 0.25D steps (including plano)

    ADDs : Low: +0.75D to +1.50D (spectacle ADD) / High: +1.75D to +2.50D (spectacle ADD)

    VISIBILITY TINT : Light blue

    INDICATIONS : Daily wear